The Lohman Brown is a hybrid egg-laying breed of chicken with a friendly temperament and high egg yield. They start laying at around eighteen weeks and produce up to 300 eggs a year. They are a cross between a New Hampshire chicken and some other brown egg laying breeds (company secret).
They are almost identical in looks and temperament to the Hyline Brown hen, though it has been my experience that Lohmann Browns are not as robust as Hyline chickens and lay slightly fewer eggs. However, they still produce far more eggs than the average purebred egg laying chicken.
Like Hyline chickens they have an excellent feed conversion rate (how much feed they must eat to produce an egg). Though this high rate of egg production means they need a higher % of protein than other chickens, when keeping crossbreed chickens such as Lohmann Browns it’s a good idea to feed them a handful of meat meal each day to make sure that they get enough protein.
- Excellent layers.
- Good temperament.
Rarely go broody (good if you don't have a rooster).
- Poor meat chicken.
- Rarely go broody (not good if you want hens to sit on fertile eggs).
Offspring will not breed true to type.

Lohmann Brown hens are very similar in looks and temperament to Hyline Brown hens.